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Check Your Security Controls for Free

Use these open-source tools to test the Cybersecurity controls which protect the perimeter of your organization. These tools will allow you to better understand how Cybersecurity controls are sufficient to mitigate simple and common Cyberattacks.

HTTP Response Headers


HTTP Response Headers allow the server to pass additional information with the response, which instruct the browser how to behave when handling sensitive contents and data’s of the application. Http response security headers provide an extra protection layer which help to mitigate vulnerabilities and attacks. But at times developers forget to implement or implement with some default values which can be easily bypassed. Moreover, some response headers contain sensitive information which an adversary can abuse.


Over 75 million websites run on WordPress. Remarkably enough thousands of WP sites are vulnerable to attacks and get hacked each day. You can lose all your data, it can cost thousands of dollars, or worse, attackers might use your WordPress to target your visitors. If your WordPress is vulnerable, it will be only a matter of time before you run into trouble.



Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is intentionally harmful to a computer, network or server. Types of malware include computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware and spyware. These malicious programs steal, encrypt and delete sensitive data; alter or hijack core computing functions and monitor end users' computer activity.



Security misconfigurations are security controls that are inaccurately configured or left insecure, putting your systems and data at risk. Basically, any poorly documented configuration changes, default settings, or a technical issue across any component in your endpoints could lead to a misconfiguration.


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